Care Finder


  • Design
  • Development
  • Maintenance


Okkanti is a digital platform that brings together nationally recognized experts, compassionate mentors and Okkanti’s collective knowledge so that more doulas and families have a voice in their communities. Okkanti Care-finder Platform allows a user to make use of an intelligent search tool that helps to find and get support from a Doula.

What we did

  • Design
  • Development
  • Maintenance

The Solution

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.

Technologies & Tools


Front End Technologies

Mobile App technology

Back End Technologies

Middleware Stack


Third party Integrations


Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max. Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max.
Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max

Okkanti homepage banner leftOkkkanti homepage section banner right

Doula Catalogue

Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max. Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max.
Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max.
Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max. Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max

Real time appointments

Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max. Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max.
Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max

Okkanti real time appointments section banner

Care Seeker Profile

Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max. Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max.
Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max

Okkanti Care seeker

Responsive Design

Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max. Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max.
Short discription about concept – 3 rows as max

Okkanti responsive design
iphone layout
Okkanti responsive design mockup
Okkanti responsive design mockup
Okkanti responsive design mockup
Okkanti responsive design mockup
Okkanti responsive design mockup
Okkanti responsive design mockup
Okkanti responsive design mockup
Okkanti responsive design mockup
Okkanti responsive design mockup
Working with Intuitio Labs team was fabulous. I am running an existing company, and having a contractor that I can trust in this way is rare. It felt as if we were all as invested in the results and passionate about the project. The global team members were all amazing and Deep's leadership and our shared sense of community added to the sense that this was an internal team joined with shared values, including compassion and growth mindset. I felt I had all the benefits of a strong internal team, without the onboarding, trial and error and challenges in building my own! The team clearly has a strong foundation of collaboration and excellence. We have our product, and I know they are there to provide continued support, but I'll miss working with these great people
Karen Laing
IBCLC, AMT CEO/Founder, Okkanti


Successful implementation of features mentioned above and application delivered to the client as a POC.

10 weeks
Of efficient working
Returning customers rate
Average monthly increase in total orders placed since the launch.